Невиданное кино

Международный Фестиваль Короткометражных Фильмов

Поступившие фильмы

1 ECLIPSE Fiction 13:14 Daniil Frangyan. CinemaJoy Film School RF

2 Fear Not Fear Itself Videoclip 4:59 Dawn Westlake USA

3 Traces of Grief. Melodrama, Healing Depression 10:00 Dave Lojek. Germany

4 JULIENNE OF LIGHT BULBS Fiction, farce, comedy, fiction, illusion, magic 06:00 Dave Lojek. Germany

5 OSMOSIS Fiction, miniature sci-fi drama, hologram telephone, invasion, collonization, aliens 05:00 Dave Lojek. Ireland/Germany

6 UMBRA OF DECEIT film noir, conspiracy, assassination plot, fiction, miniature 04:00 Dave Lojek. Ireland/Germany

7 A DIFFERENT GOAL Experimental / Animation 03:26 Marco Joubert. Canada A

8 The Chamber Short fiction 20:00 Fidae Sbaai. Morocco Р

9 The slip-up Comedy 14:59 Aurélien Laplace France Р

10 Maksha Animation 06:00 Allabhya Ghosh, India A

11 Tribe Fiction (social drama) 19:58 Carlos Gómez-Trigo Spain Р

12 Childhood Colors Documentary 10:29 Alexandre Labarussiat. France P

13 Dadas Fiction 17:00 Hugues Perrot. France P

14 Bu Fiction 17:29 Inés Benito Spain S

15 Daily routine Fiction 19:45 Pau Berlanga Spain S

16 The protective elder Fiction 16:27 Alfredo Espinal Spain A

17 Between Scylla and Charybdis Fiction 11:33 Carlos Lozano Spain A

18 Kairos Fiction 12:30 Roberto ValleNoé Galera Spain Р

19 Kraken Mare Fiction 13:32 Francisco García Mateos Spain A

20 Bad lands Fiction 16:48 Noé Galera Noé Galera Spain Р

21 Parakeets Animation 06:21 Alex Rey Ignacio Malagón

22 Saturday Ficton 09:30 Andrea Casaseca Spain A

23 Sarcum Fiction 12:57 Ignacio Malagón Spain Р

24 Session Fiction 04:58 David González Rudiez Spain A

25 Around the world Fiction 06:32 Sergio Masán, Mauricio Bautista Spain A

26 JUAN & MARIA Animation 04:08 Victor Tambovkin GITR Film and Television School RF